5440 Benmar Drive

Far North - Houston, TX 77060

(210) 640-9382

About Us:

Looking for a Houston Solar Installer?Look no further than solar connect, the ultimate matchmaker for all your solar needs. We understand that finding the perfect Houston Solar Company can be as frustrating as finding a parking spot in downtown Houston.But fear not, because we've got you covered. With our vast network of trusted solar providers, we take the guesswork out of the equation and connect you with the best Houston Solar Installer that suits your specific needs.Say goodbye to endless hours of research and hello to hassle-free solar solutions with solar connect.


About Solar Connect:

Looking for a Houston Solar Installer?Look no further than solar connect, the ultimate matchmaker for all your solar needs. We understand that finding the perfect Houston Solar Company can be as frustrating as finding a parking spot in downtown Houston.But fear not, because we've got you covered. With our vast network of trusted solar providers, we take the guesswork out of the equation and connect you with the best Houston Solar Installer that suits your specific needs.Say goodbye to endless hours of research and hello to hassle-free solar solutions with solar connect.

Category: Solar Energy Contractors


Business Hours:

Sunday: Closed
Monday: 09:00am to 07:00pm
Tuesday: 09:00am to 07:00pm
Wednesday: 09:00am to 07:00pm
Thursday: 09:00am to 07:00pm
Friday: 09:00am to 07:00pm
Saturday: 09:00am to 07:00pm
Holiday: Closed
Map & Directions:
Suggest a Tag:
  • Energy Management
  • Energy Systems
  • Rebates
  • Rural
  • Solar
  • Solar Electric
  • Solar Energy
  • Solar Energy Company
  • Solar Panel Repair
  • Solar Panels

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