12605 NW 115th Avenue B-102

Medley, FL 33178 - Miami-Dade County

(305) 688-9991

About Us:

Since 1977 National Medical Equipment has been devoted to offering the highest quality medical equipment as well as unparalleled service to hospitals, clinics, physicians, private doctors, home healthcare providers, individual patients, healthcare facilities, and many more needing dependable medical solutions. We are the top distributor of a comprehensive line of medical equipment and supplies including oxygen concentrators, nebulizer compressors, hospital beds, wheelchairs, diabetic supplies, patient lifts, bariatric equipment, ambulatory aids & more. Our goal is to fulfill customer needs on time, cost-effectively, and with superior quality products. Call us at 305-688-9991.


About National Medical Equipment:

Since 1977 National Medical Equipment has been devoted to offering the highest quality medical equipment as well as unparalleled service to hospitals, clinics, physicians, private doctors, home healthcare providers, individual patients, healthcare facilities, and many more needing dependable medical solutions. We are the top distributor of a comprehensive line of medical equipment and supplies including oxygen concentrators, nebulizer compressors, hospital beds, wheelchairs, diabetic supplies, patient lifts, bariatric equipment, ambulatory aids & more. Our goal is to fulfill customer needs on time, cost-effectively, and with superior quality products. Call us at 305-688-9991.

Category: Health Care Management

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  • Health Insurance
  • Hospital Confinement
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