Cuisine: Diner

27860 Van Dyke

Warren, MI 48093 - Macomb County

(586) 573-4414

About Us:

When you are looking for a ‘diner near me’ in Warren, MI, come to 3 Son's Diner. At 3 Son's Diner, we are a family-owned restaurant that serves up delicious food that you are sure to love. One bite out of any one of our entrees will make you a fan for life. Come see why we are considered the best diner in the area. Or give us a call for food delivery in Warren and its surrounding areas.


About 3 son's diner:

When you are looking for a ‘diner near me’ in Warren, MI, come to 3 Son's Diner. At 3 Son's Diner, we are a family-owned restaurant that serves up delicious food that you are sure to love. One bite out of any one of our entrees will make you a fan for life. Come see why we are considered the best diner in the area. Or give us a call for food delivery in Warren and its surrounding areas.

Category: Diner Restaurants


Business Hours:

Sunday: 06:00am to 03:00pm
Monday: 06:00am to 03:00pm
Tuesday: 06:00am to 03:00pm
Wednesday: 06:00am to 03:00pm
Thursday: 06:00am to 03:00pm
Friday: 06:00am to 03:00pm
Saturday: 06:00am to 03:00pm
Holiday: Closed
Map & Directions:
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