622 S 320th St Ste B
1717 S 324th St
32812 Pacific Hwy S
34503 9Th Ave S Ste 320
26238 Pacific Hwy S
3280 Se Lund Ave Ste 9
Initial Chiropractic Treatment Consultation With X Rays
1 Hour Appointment: Diagnose and treat musculoskeletal system problems, Identify and treat chronic back and neck pain, Comprehensive orthopedic, neurological and musculoskeletal exam, Comprehensive postural analysis, Spine realignment and adjustment, Advanced non-surgical pain relief, State of the art facilities, New Clients only.
$43.00 - $286.00 |
Follow Up Chiropractic Treatment Visit With X Rays
1 Hour Appointment: Diagnose and treat musculoskeletal system problems, Identify and treat chronic back and neck pain, Comprehensive orthopedic, neurological and musculoskeletal exam, Comprehensive postural analysis, Spine realignment and adjustment, Advanced non-surgical pain relief, State of the art facilities. New Clients only.
$286.00 |